Saturday, 3 April 2010

Dr Who and Over The Rainbow

After a good ten min's of gently wiggling the TV aerial as the signal is constantly changing due to the scaffolding outside, and the fact I'd had no TV for 2 weeks, I went to the loo with mutterings of 'that TV's going the right way for a boot in the face', came back and violently moved the cable under the bed (10 meter cable fail) and finally got some signal. The only way to react to such a situation is to whoop and clap in rather a camp fashion and hope your housemates don't notice.

Point being I was able to enjoy the greatness of Easter season TV , which was Dr Who and Over the Rainbow. Here obviously be spoilers!

Dr Who - oh there were predictable moments, the little girl being the older 'policewoman' (that was a nice twist thou "kissogram" lol can the BBC not handle strippers?), the wedding night also predictable, and Sofie from Peep Show popping up again. However what was awesome was the new credits, loving them! I am quite liking the new Dr. thou obviously due to the plot he was unable to develop properly in the mere hour ( please BBC can we have a loo break next time, or a shorter ep, I don't want to nearly soil myself). Bow ties are in my mind the mark of the oddball, the murderer and the pedo: not a fan. The new tardis is ok a bit steam punk but with too much color thrown on. Also loved the mini Coupling reference (Steven Moffat wrote the ep and he wrote Coupling fact fans), with a character called 'Jeff' looking at porn on his laptop "oh Jeff get a girlfriend" lol hilarious, he should have said "oh Jeffery" really.

Over the Rainbow - I hardly ever watch stuff like this, mainly because having near perfect pitch and listening to people like Stacy Solomon hurts my ears. Only two contestants stood out as bad, Emilie, who was probably having a bad night but seriously reduced me to a ball and Amy who lovely voice shame she looks like a porn star. Several stood out as good in particular Danielle and Jessica. I missed the first two episodes and was shocked that the gigantic Claire had gotten through as far as she did, she looked like Bridget Nielsen. Also BBC fire whoever did the makeup this time, it was grim, too much blusher (you're on TV not stage) and generally everyone looked awful and OTT, even for musical theatre. I also can't wait for the judges gloves to come off, the Lord was much harsher with the Nancies, and don't think we haven't noticed his love of girls who lets face it look a bit like his ex-wife.
Bring on tomorrow's result show I say!