Monday, 29 March 2010

Mean Girls and Gender Annoyances.

I love Mean Girls (2004) it's a film I cannot stop watching, I love my female friends but I have just this to say...

Why is it implied that all women MUST or at least SHOULD get along? I don't see films where men are thrown together near the end and forced to like each other. Just because you have a uterus doesn't mean we have to get along. There are lots of people who will just never get along a shared gender is not enough common ground sadly.

It is also an issue that there is ALOT of sexism towards men floating about in recent years who recalls CBB 09? There was a classic line by Tina Malone 'no man tells me what to do' - so if a woman pointed out your flaws and asked you something you'd do it? what does being a man have to do with it. I also cannot believe Ulrika Jonsson won after what Latoya correctly pointed out her 'dancing eyes', that is her sly looks of contempt, rolling eyes and generally being passive aggressive. Quite frankly at least Coolio was straight and forthright with his opinions.
This sexism towards men extends to adverts; a recent Pizza Hut ad, where a mother patronisingly remarks on her son being able to do laundry, in my (admittedly limited) experience men have no problem doing laundry whatsoever. If it was the other way around, with a woman being mocked for doing something, there would be hell up!

Finally not all women are nice:
They miss out Maggie Thatcher lol, and I'm sure you can think of many women you quite frankly NEVER want to see, talk to or hear about again.
Oooh controversial.

Well, first attempt at posting, mainly so my facebook friends can choose to ignore my insane ramblings, and so one day when I have time I will be able to turn these lil posts and reviews into videos for my youtube account.

So, I've been ill and working on a MRes in 'Dwarfs in Cinema', therefore being unable to do much except watch and write notes as opposed to writing notes on books, I buckled down and watched the living horror that is.... Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) . Now I get pissed off with the gender roles that dictate advertising (my TV is down atm I'm so happy to not have 'you must marry and pop out babies' thrown at me every ad break), I'm telling you this so I don't get eaten by rabid Disney fans.

It was 1937 a mere 2 years later war, and the icon that is Scarlett O Hara would appear (she wouldn't have taken no crap from her step mum). It is my theory that Snow White is offensive to damned near every group you can find.

Sexism - Oh dear well Snow White is a mook, crying and running away from peril one minute, the next she's singing and tidying the house. The giggle is the one part I find really offensive, oh he he he yes 'Doc' is clearly 'a funny name' Snow White, who the hell when called Snow White has the right to judge someone's name? She also behaves like well... a princess lets not lie, barging into a house and cleaning it (do you remember Penny from TBBT's reaction? ) and bringing an entire menagerie in to help her. Plus why does SW get a new dress before she is almost killed, its not like the Queen is planning to bury her and have a state funeral. The Queen who is clearly fairer than SW ends up throwing logic to the wind and instead of marrying her off to another land say, destroys her own beauty.

Various Races - well everyone's very Caucasian in fairyland at this time (yes i know it was 1937 but still), there are some slurs thrown in as the final insult. Dopey in the yodeling song scene wears a cymbal as a hat and makes stereotypically 'Asian' gestures. The water fountain looks well sorta like a bad black stereotype. And finally the Huntsman ( ) who looks like a Jewish stereotype as does the transformed queen, and oh look they are trying to kill the nice SW.

Animals - Oh a bit of a stretch I know, but seriously, using wild animals as our domestic slaves in order to further SW's quest to be house proud hausfrau. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't wanna eat a pie prepared by a bird.... OK so I would love a trained squirrel to do my bidding but hey, I blame Foamy on that one ;p .

Dwarfs and Developmentally Disabled - Dopey is lets face it an embarrassing character to watch nowadays, with his 'physical' humor ergh its just to offensive for words. The Dwarfs are never referred to as such only as 'Little Men' ironic because of their terrible portrayal, totally sexless, unknowing of women, elderly and yet also treated like children. This patronising of them like children is clear when SW gets them to wash up.

It finally is clear that there is a huge gay subtext in the Prince (it has also been argued in the Dwarfs) he wants SW as a beard clearly lol (a wife so people won't think he's gay for those not in the know). He's wearing lipstick, his outfit is slightly over embellished, OK I have very little Gaydar, but mine's twitching on that Prince.

Anyway those are my two cents on Snow White, you don't have to like it, but then again you don't haveta read it.