Saturday, 10 July 2010

The trouble with Doctors....a rant

I'm having my gall bladder removed and I thought I'd share some issues I've had with healthcare professionals in my travels.

My GP misdiagnosed me, as did the 3 at the same practice who kept giving me the same acid reflux drugs, it took me saying I dont want to take them any more to make my condition flare up (acid reflux drugs do work on gallstones as they minimise acid) and get bad enough to be admitted.

When I was admitted to hospital the nurse who came into the GP's office to check on me while I waited for a taxi (yes a taxi, I was nearly passing out and they gave me a taxi which had to wait at red lights) asked me if i had 'belly ache' patted me on the head and told me i was sweaty, now I've been told gallstone pain is like giving birth so this is not what I wanted.

Today the Dr shoved me from department to department and literally saw me for 5 mins leaving the nurses to do all the real work.

My STI test nurse was bad as well asking me if the speculum hurt when i said yes she asked me if it hurt during sex - thats just not the same situ sex and a Dr's office totally different and then told me to relax.. oh yes relaxing in a pair of stirrups.

What is more shocking that I went to change my pill as i still get cramps etc, the Dr I saw who was a quite young woman told me that my PMS was all in my head, like taking hormones doesnt do stuff to you via build up etc.

TBH I get much more issue with lady docs than man docs, and young doc more than old ones, I actually ask for male docs now and old ones are very unthreatening.

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